Planning primary research

 To better understand tendencies in my audience I will be carrying out a survey. It will be posted on my social media for people to fill out. The questions will be related to my Project: 'Shinko' and this is the list of the ones that I already know I want to ask:

  1. How old are you?
  2. What gender do you associate with?
  3. What is your occupation?
  4. Where are you from?
  5. Do you think that change is a good or bad thing considering traditions?
  6. What are the main things that remind you of Japanese culture?
  7. Do you think that fashion should be separated for genders? Why?
  8. Do you consider fashion a good way to express yourself?
  9. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone when it comes to clothes?
  10. Why?


  1. These questions are okay up to a point, but think about how you can make them more challenging - for instance, where are you from is fair, but maybe expand it to where are you from, where would you like to live? Make it more ASPIRATIONAL. A survey like this shouldn't be aimed at getting bland answers, it should be more DIRECTED.


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