I Hate Art!
For our discussion about art, we do not like I chose two pieces of work:
1. Picasso, (1905), "Fillette a la corbeille fleurie" (fr. Young Girl with a Flower Basket)
What I hate about this piece:
The fact that it shows a young girl, probably before puberty, so not fully grown or able to decide for herself.
The face that while looking young and innocent at the same time seems old and sad
Neckless on the girl, usually associated with older, rich women
The general colour scheme of the painting is grey and sad.
Christie's, (2018), available online at:
https://www.christies.com/features/Lot-15-Pablo-Picasso-Fillette-a-la-corbeille-fleurie-8995-6.aspx [Accessed: 14/04/2021]
The more this piece was discussed in the class, the more uncomfortable I felt about the painting, particularly bearing in mind Picasso's 'women are machines for suffering' quote from the CS Censorship debate. I'm happy for art to be subversive, but this girl looks vulnerable and the fact that Picasso has made her face look more mature is also unsettling.