Website Edit

 After creating the project I decided to make some changes to my website. The first was to change a photo on the Home page, I put there a photo of some of my drawings from Set project. I did it by clicking on the photo twice and changing the media to this picture, this is the result now:

Next was the Portfolio page, I changed the gallery view to the slideshow, which in my opinion looks better and clearer. I again clicked twice on the gallery and changed the layout (left side of the menu).

The last part was to put my Set Project in the Portfolio. I created another subpage under it and called it 'Purple Haze'. I put the flipsnack catalogue there, by copying the embed and putting it in the right place. The same way as I did with the project the last term, the process can be seen in the posts about Major Project on my blog.

The website is available HERE


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