How to draw a Croquis

 My main goal while making my Set Project is to improve my drawing skills especially when it comes to fashion illustration. To learn more I watched a couple of Youtube videos and read some articles on how to be better in the section of fashion. This is what I gained from this:

- It is all about the shapes, It is easier to separate the drawing into shapes, such as triangles and circles

- It is good to follow the proportions (The body is about the length of 7.5-9 head)

- The main goal is to make it look like a silhouette, it does not need to be very detailed

- We can create a flat or dimensional drawing of a dress/shirt etc. using croquis

- When we get comfortable with the proportions we can experiment with poses and different sizes of our "model"

These are the two videos, by Nick Verreos that in my opinion show the best instructions for how to create a croquis: 

Before watching these videos I tried to draw the models by myself. These are the sketches for my 2D/3D module, but they show my attempt. They are not great and there is a lot I can improve.

And these are the sketches I did after watching the videos. They are only silhouettes, without clothes, because I wanted to get the model right first.

I like how I drew the pose and it is a good stencil for me to use in the future. This exercise gave me a lot and I feel much more confident in my drawing skills now. 


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