Sequence photography - Final results

 After research about sequential imagery and a few attempts on making my own version of this type of art, I came up with my final project. I decided to use a beanie as a prompt because of the text written on it. As my idea of fashion is that it should help us express ourselves and our feelings this accessory fit in this idea perfectly. 

I took many photos to have a chance to choose the best ones.

With the use of GIMP, I created a layout for my photos. They were still in their original colours.

I am very happy with the results as they accurately express my vision which was the desire to spend time alone with yourself, trying to escape from people around us and the world that wants too much. Sometimes it is just for a minute, but some people struggle with human interactions and try to avoid everything and everyone at all cost. I decided to make it monochromatic to give a little more melancholic and mysterious feeling to my project.

Final Sequence:


All photos were taken with Nikon D5600, 36mm

The settings I used:
- Portrait mode
- F/7.1
- 1/200s
- ISO: 10000

The app I used:


  1. I am slightly terrified by your ISO at 10000 - I don't think I have ever seen an ISO setting so high. This level of ISO would create noise and if these were indoor shots ISO 400 should have sufficed. I do think you had an issue with white balance and I can see why this led to a decision to put these in black and white. I think you do need to look more closely at your settings and ensure that you use correct white balance for your images. Th set you have created is good and works well - please add reflection to this post.


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